Dr. Yalin Zhang
Professor of Entomology (1994 - )
Director: Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of China;
Entomological Museum and Institute
Selected by Hundred & Thousand Talents Program, China
National outstanding scientific and technical workers, China
Permanent address
Entomology Museum & Institute
611, Building of Agricultural Sciences, South Campus
Northwest A&F University
3# Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100
P. R. China
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0086 13709129610
l1978.3-1982.1 Northwestern College of Agriculture (current: Northwestern A & F University), Bachelor of Agronomy in 1982;
l1982.3-1985.1 Postgraduate in the Northwestern College of Agriculture (current: Northwestern A & F University),Master degree of Science in 1985;
l1985.6-1988.5 Northwestern Agricultural University(current: Northwestern A & F University), Doctor degree of Science in 1988;
l1992.11-1993.10 Natural History Museum,Postdoctoral fellowship financed by the British Council.
Research Focus
lPhylogeny and systematics of world leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and butterflies (Lepidoptera)
lResource insects (cantharidin as pesticides etc.)
lIPM of insect pests (codling moth Cydia pomonella)
Publications:460 papers and books.
Representative papers in the last three years:
1.Yang Wang, Christian Nansen And Yalin Zhang* Integrative insect taxonomy based on morphology, mitochondrial DNA and hyperspectral reflectance profiling, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, Online 1-17, doi: 10.1111/zoj.12367, SCI
2.S. Yuan, M. Huang, X. S. Wang, L. Q. Ji* and Y. L. Zhang*, Centres of endemism and diversity patterns for typhlocybine leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) in China, Insect Science,2014,21(4):523-536 SCI
3.Xiangqun Yuan, Ke Gao, Feng Yuan, Ping Wang & Yalin Zhang* Phylogenetic relationships of subfamilies in the family Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea) from China,Scientific Reports 2015,5:11140 SCI
4.Xiu-Shan Li, Ya-Lin Zhang*, Josef Settele, Markus Franze?n and Oliver Schweiger Long-distance dispersal and habitat use of the butterfly Byasa impediens in a fragmented subtropical forest, Insect Conservation and Diversity (2013) 6, 170-178, SCI
5.Ji-Yuan Liu#, Xi-En Chen# & Ya-Lin Zhang* Insights into the key interactions between human protein phosphatase 5 and cantharidin using molecular dynamics and sitedirected mutagenesis bioassays,Scientific Reports,5:12359,SCI
6.Yang Wang 1, ?, Wenbo Sun 2,?, Shunqing Zha 1, Huan Wang 2 and Yalin Zhang 2,* Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Norcantharidin Derivatives Possessing an Aromatic Amine Moiety as Antifungal Agents, Molecules 2015, 20(12), 21464-21480,SCI
7.Zheng-Wei Wu; Ya-Lin Zhang*; Su-Qin Shang Effectiveness of 12 Insecticides to a Laboratory Population of Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Newly Established in China, Journal of Economic Entomology 2015:108(3):1271-1278 SCI
8.R. A. Khana, M. Rashida, D. Wang* and Y.L. Zhang* Lethal and sublethal effects of cantharidin on the life history traits and population parameters of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae), Pest Management Science,2013,Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70:39-45 SCI
9.XueQing Yang, JiYuan Liu, XianChun Li, MaoHua Chen, and YaLin Zhang* Key Amino Acid Associated with Acephate Detoxi?cation by Cydia pomonella Carboxylesterase Based on Molecular Dynamics with Alanine Scanning and Site-Directed Mutagenesis, 2014, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,2014, 54, 1356?1370, SCI
10.Zhen Tian#, Jiyuan Liu# & Yalin Zhang* Structural insights into Cydia pomonella pheromone binding protein 2 mediated prediction of potentially active semiochemicals,Scientific Reports, 2016,6:22336,DOI: 10.1038/srep22336, SCI