Lirong Han
Ph.D.;Associate researcher;
Master advisor;
Email:[email protected]
Research Focus
1 National Natural Science Foundation of China,Purification and Mechanism of Streptomyces ZX01 strains resistant to TMV active ingredient, 2013-2015, 240000 yuan.
2 National Technology Support Program subprojects, Green chemical preservative research and development of aquatic meat, 2015-2018,200000 yuan.
3 National Technology Support Program subproject, The creation of biological fungicide and antiviral agent , 2014-2018,20 ten thousand yuan.
Representative papers
1 Zhang GQ, Feng JT, Han LR*, Zhang X. Antiviral activity of glycoprotein GP-1 isolated from Streptomyces kanasensis ZX01. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 2016, 88: 572-577.
2 Han LR, Zhang GQ, Miao GP, Zhang X*, Feng JT. Streptomyces kanasensis sp nov., an Antiviral Glycoprotein Producing Actinomycete Isolated from Forest Soil Around Kanas Lake of China. CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 2015, 71(6): 627-631.
3 Zhang GQ#, Han LR#, Zhang GF, Zhang X*, Feng JT. Purification and characterization of a novel glycoprotein from Streptomyces sp. ZX01. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 2015, 78: 195-201.
4 Miao GP, Zhu CS, Feng JT, Han LR*, Zhang X. Effects of Plant Stress Signal Molecules on the Production of Wilforgine in an Endophytic Actinomycete Isolated from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 2015, 70:571-579.
5 Han LR, Zhou YW, Feng JT, Zhang X*. Isolation of Actinomycetes from Soils in Kanas, Xinjiang Province, China, JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 2013, 7(1):57-63.
Major and research direction
Existing academic graduate 2, intended to recruit pesticides graduate , pesticides Chemistry direction.